Our subscription program is yours to curate. Stay stocked on your favorites, or try something new each order—you’ll always save 15%.
*For the month of January, enjoy 20% off on your first subscription order. All subsequent orders will be at the regular subscription discount of 15% off.


15% off your favorite products

Deliveries on your schedule

Add, pause, or swap products anytime

Dedicated support from our team


A minimum of six month deliveries is required for participation in Experience Club. Orders ships free.


No memberships required—simply subscribe to your favourite products.

Yes, you must commit to six month orders through your subscription. However, you are able to pause your subscription, and add or remove items, at any time. If you require any assistance, please reach out to our team directly at hello@nuttery.co

No, there is no fee to join. However, there is a two-shipment minimum; you must commit to at least two scheduled deliveries before you can cancel your subscription.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you are able to cancel your subscription after your first two scheduled shipments. If you would like to cancel your subscription before two scheduled shipments, please email our Customer Experience team at hello@nuttery.co

Yes. You are able to pause your subscription, and add or remove any items, at any time. If you require any assistance to do so, please reach out to our Customer Experience team at hello@nuttery.co

Yes, you must commit to six month orders through your subscription. However, you are able to pause your subscription, and add or remove items, at any time. If you require any assistance, please reach out to our team directly at hello@nuttery.co

Any items purchased through Experience Club are eligible for return to the store in unopened condition only.

Orders ships free. Customers from outside India have to contact us before ordering.

Yes. All peanut butters are part of Experience Club.

No. Discount codes, credits, and referral codes are not eligible for subscription orders. If you would like to use a code on a one-time purchase, you can create a separate order.

You will be charged for each scheduled shipment two to three days before your shipment. You will be unable to cancel your shipment once it has been charged and processed.

The Experience Club is only available for residents of India.